Day One Hundred Eighty-Six of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Sometimes . . . Nothing!

I wish I could say that every single day I find myself inspiured by someone or something. That would be wonderful! Reality, however, tells me that will not be the case. The main reason is that some days are filled with anything but inspiration. On those days, I have to look elsewhere. Today was one of those days.

I awoke early this morning with a migraine. When that happens, the headache usually stays with me all day long. Today was no exception to that rule. No matter what I did to alleviate the pain, it persisted. As a result, I was unable to see or focus on anything that might generate inspiration. Do you ever have days like this one? If so, what do you do to get through the day? How do you make the day meaningful?

Some might pull the covers over their head and hide. Others wallow in self-pity. Still others pretend everything is ok by pasting a plastic smile on their faces and hope that no one will be able to tell the difference. On my migraine days, I work to stay sill, calm and quiet. I work to reduce stress. I take medicine, drink water and attempt to nap. I frequently work to find inspiration from outside myself to pull me through and even then . . . that sometimes doesn’t work.

Today, nothing inspired me! So . . . I looked within myself. I knew that I would have to be my own inspiration. The only thing that I knew I needed inspiration for (apart from making it through the da) was to complete today’s post. Somehow, I dug just deep enough to touch an idea worth considering. That idea? The fact that sometimes there are no external inspirations – that sometimes we must dig within to tap our own well of personal inspiration in order to make it through the day.

So, the next time you find yourself in a place devoid of external inspiration, look within. You might like what you find!


Mark E. Hundley


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