Day One Hundred Eighty-One of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Presents!

I love Presents! Who doesn’t? Now if you think I’m talking about presents as in Birthday or Christmas, you would be wrong. I’m talking about another kind of Presents. I’m referring to Presents as Moments in Time!

Back in 1974 I read a powerful book by C.S. Lewis entitled “The Screwtape Letters.” My favorite quote from that book and perhaps my all time favorite quote from any book goes like this: “For the Present is the Point at which Time Touches Eternity.”

What that says to me is that everything I do that is of Eternal Significance will always be in my “today” and never in my yesterday or tomorrow!

“Wish I had’s” and regrets often clutter my yesterdays while Hopeful Intents dot the landscape of my tomorrows. Neither offers the Power of the Present!

My actions today – right here and right now – are what create meaning! I’m not naive enough to believe that we can achieve a perpetual state of “living in the moment;” however, I do believe that we can improve on our ability to act purposefully in the moment by setting an intention at the beginning of the day to live more mindfully.

Imagine the differences we can make if we were to take a moment to center and focus on specific points in our day when decisions or responses are required of us. Just imagine . . .

I invite you to join me in working to create a more mindful walk in the Present!


Mark E. Hundley


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