Day One Hundred Eighty-Nine of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Four Statements!

We all have dreams in life. We all harbor sometimes deeply hidden desires of accomplishment that rarely see the light of day due to the internal self-talk that prevents us from working on them. We routinely find ourselves being victimized by our own disparaging beliefs.  Many have been credited with the following statement: “A dream without a plan is simply a wish.”

If that statement is true then we can very easily wish our lives away, never really giving our dreams a chance to take flight. How might we go about shifting gears and creating plans that move our dreams toward realization? Here are a few thoughts:

When thinking about that dream you want to build, give this a shot! Four statements can guide us – inspire us to purposeful action.

  • “I want to . . .” A Statement of Desire! – What is it you want to do, be, have, create, experience? Think about it! Envision it! Write it down!
  • “I can . . .” A Statement of Ability! – This statement affirms your innate ability to create that which you dream and envision! How do you know you can accomplish your task? Outline the abilities you possess that form the “I Can” attitude!
  • “I will . . .” A Statement of Intent! – Taking your dream to the intent level forces you to set a time frame in which you will work to accomplish the tasks necessary for you dream to become a reality.
  • “I am . . .” A Statement of Action! – Putting your dream into motion via specific actions causes the other three statements to fall into a logical, sequential set of ideas, intents and actions meant to make your dream come true.

Today’s challenge? Take that dream, that may just be a wish, out of the box in which you have placed it. Sit with that dream a while. Give it room to breathe and roam the caverns of your mind and soul. Give it a name! Feed it with purpose! Nurture it with encouragement! Support it with expectations! Accompany it on its journey toward realization! I think you just might find your dream is worth it after all!


Mark E. Hundley

(From “Thinking Outside the Box!” ~ Mark Hundley


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