Day One Hundred Eighty-Four of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Forgetting!

Forgetting! We all do it from time to time. We forget names and numbers. We forget dates and times. We forget people and places. We forget our car keys. We forget our glasses. We forget our lunch. We forget quite a bit it seems. When we forget, we often berate ourselves for our “stupidity” or our “absent-mindedness” or our “lack of focus.” We make excuses for our forgetfulness. We blame others for our forgetfulness. We attribute our forgetfulness to the overly-busy schedule we keep.

Forgetting is something that we do rather routinely and rather well, I might add. What then, is so inspiring about forgetting? Glad you asked!

For me, forgetting often reminds me to do something of significance – something that was important enough for me to commit to in the first place! I love it when I forget to do something that I deem as very important – that is as long as I remember that I forgot in time to take care of that which was so important that I committed to it in the first place! Confused? So am I!

What brought on this somewhat incoherent mini-rant about forgetting? Well . . . I almost forgot to write today’s post! Almost, I said! Today was one of those days that simply overwhelmed my senses and tapped my emotional and mental resources. Today was one of those days – a day in which I forgot to write . . . that is until the last minute.

For me, the inspirational part about forgetting lies in the raw motivation to get back on track the moment I remember! Today, for me at least, I am grateful that I remembered that I forgot. Perhaps you aren’t but I am! Why? Because I have now completed Day 184 of my 365 day personal writing journey and . . . I was reminded how easy it is to forget – even important things.

Now that I have written for the day, I will retire to bed, get some sleep and write earlier in the day tomorrow . . .  so as not to forget . . . again.


Mark E. Hundley


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