Day One Hundred Eighty of 365 – ThingsThat Inspire Me: Breaking Chains

Charles Dickens is credited with the following : “We forge the chains we wear in life.” What a powerful statement!

How often when we find ourselves bogged down or held back by chains of doubt, fear, uncertainty or self-loathing do we seek to blame others for our situation?  Far too often, I believe.

If only the origin of such chains were that easy. We could go about life always shifting responsibility for our struggles on someone or something outside ourselves. And yet, this is exactly what I see take place more often than I care to acknowledge. I see it lived out in multiple arenas by individuals, families and organizations all the time.

“We forge the chains we wear in life!”

Here’s a little secret . . . If we are the ones who forge the chains we wear, we are also the ones who can break those same chains. No one else can do it for us. We must free ourselves from self-limiting beliefs and behaviors in order to live as fully as possible. As simple as this may sound, breaking chains can be extremely difficult. As a mentor of mine once said, “Difficult but not impossible!”

Since breaking chains is possible, I want suggest that we approach the task by breakimg one chain at a time. Go ahead, pick one! Examine it! Study it! Find the weakest link! Now, determine in your heart that you will break that chain and create a new and different path for yourself and then do it!

People who break chains inspire! They possess no super powers. They simply go about the business of chain breaking through acts of will!

I challenge you! Go break a chain!


Mark E. Hundley


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