Day One Hundred Sixty-Three of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Wanting To Want To!

Wanting to Want to!

I often find myself asking clients, “What do you want (to do, be, have, accomplish, etc.)?” To be honest, I ask myself those same questions quite frequently along the way as well!

Very often, the answer takes one of two paths.  The first is something like, “What I DON’T want is . . .” The second is generally expressed as, “Well, what I want to do is ________, but I just don’t see that happening!” You guessed it! The “Want” is already on the road to defeat before it has a chance to get off the ground.

When that happens, I step back and ask if my client would be willing to begin with “Wanting to want to.” You see, “Wanting to Want to” is a great place to start. It sorta eases us into the mindset of creating something worth pursuing and does so in a way that allows us to become comfortable with the idea of success!

So on this day . . . What do you Want to Want? Have fun with this one!


Mark E. Hundley


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