Day One Hundred Sixty-Seven of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: True Faith!

True Faith!

Defining Faith often becomes a tenuous task! People from widely diverse backgrounds, perspectives and experiences routinely work to communicate their definitions and at times impose those definitions on others. Yes, defining and communicating Faith is indeed a challenge!

Through my years on this rock I too have sought to make sense of the meaning of True Faith. Following are some of my observations:

  • True Faith Includes rather than excluding.
  • It Opens rather than closing.
  • It Reveals rather than hiding.
  • It Welcomes rather than shunning.
  • It Accepts rather than rejecting.
  • It Embraces rather than running.
  • It Stands For rather than standing against.
  • It Empowers rather than causing impotence.

True Faith withstands doubt, fear and questioning. True Faith invites debate and discussion. True Faith demands that it be doubted, examined and questioned from time to time. For without these actions Faith becomes hollow and meaningless.

“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Heb. 11:1


Mark E. Hundley


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