Day One Hundred Sixty-One of 365 – Things That Bug Me: Poor Listeners!

What Bugs Me About Communication? Listening! Well, to be more specific, Poor Listening! It happens all the time. Through the years, I’ve learned a thing or two about Poor Listeners. Following are a few clues that Poor Listening is either taking place or about to:

  • “Huh? What’s that?”
  • Glazed over eyes – looking straight at me but, nope! Not listening!
  • Looking down at their phone while nodding when I say, “Your hair is on fire!”
  • As I double over in pain with a “Help me” and my companion says, “Let me just finish this YouTube Video!”
  • Completely ignoring my request to answer a question.
  • Interrupting me before I get the third word out of my mouth.
  • Answering a question I did not ask.

Stephen Covey said, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Dontcha just hate that? How disrespectful! It drives me nuts!

Quentin Schultze has pointed out “Seven Signs of Poor Listening.” They are as follows:

  • Judging others too quickly and harshly
  • Jumping to premature conclusions
  • Responding thoughtlessly
  • Basing opinions of others on first impressions
  • Failing to set aside one’s biases and prejudices
  • Seeing reality solely from one’s own, limited perspective
  • Focusing on self-centered agendas

Interesting, don’t you think?

Listening, really listening is one of the most important skills we can cultivate! It is also one of the most difficult!

Listening can open doors; create connections; provide understanding; reveal hidden truths; elevate the mood of others; expand imagination; validate intuition; communicate care; demonstrate love. Listening can do those things and many, many more ~ provided we put the skill in practice!

Listening is Powerful! May we work to become better listeners!


Mark E. Hundley


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