Day One Hundred Sixty-Nine of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: WE! We Inspire Me!

The Power of WE! One cannot underestimate the power of WE when facing life challenges! One of the problems that gets in our way is that we sometimes fail to see the Power of WE!

What If We Are the Ones?

Waiting! Don’t you just love waiting?

  • We wait in line
  • We wait for a table
  • We wait for a compliment
  • We wait for a raise
  • We wait for a sign
  • We wait for the “right time”
  • We wait for a kiss
  • We wait for a hug
  • We wait for a raise
  • We wait . . . You get the picture!

Often we find ourselves waiting for someone – the “right” one! We wait for:

  • The one who knows the answers
  • The one who has the key
  • The one who sees the way
  • The one who possesses the strength
  • The one who speaks the truth
  • The one who takes the stand.

We sit around and do a lot of waiting, don’t we?

The Hopi people have a curious proverb about waiting. It goes like this: “We are the ones we have been waiting for!” WE are the ones! Wow! Think about it! The Awesome Power of WE!


Mark E. Hundley


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