Day One Hundred Sixty-Eight of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: The Little Things!

The Little Things! They both vex and inspire! Here are a few thoughts on “The Little Things.”

I don’t know about you but the Little Things in life are often the ones that give me the most trouble; cause me the most heartache; create the most havoc! What causes this you ask?

Well, the answer can be quite simple. Little Things tend to be:

  • Ignored
  • Minimized
  • Forgotten
  • Left until last
  • Tossed aside
  • Overlooked
  • Lost
  • Misinterpreted
  • Mismanaged
  • Misaligned
  • Covered over

You get the picture. Often when one of those Little Things raises its voice, draws attention or announces its presence, the results can be quite astounding!

Big Things? Well we frequently better prepare ourselves for those!

  • We buy life insurance just in case
  • We create emergency response programs
  • We build tornado shelters
  • We save for retirement
  • We initiate mass safety protocols; and the list goes on . . .

Things like mild exercise; following a healthy diet; flossing our teeth; getting plenty of sleep; paying attention to our emotions; interacting with friends – all Little Things – can pay tremendous dividends but often receive the least attention!

So . . . what Little Things in YOUR life need a little attention today?


Mark E. Hundley


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