Day One Hundred Seventy-Three of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Starting From Scratch!

I admire folks who possess vision! People who see beyond the obvious and into the possibilities inspire me! Individuals who put feet to their dreams challenge me to examine the ways I approach my own dreams.

Starting anything from scratch poses multiple challenges:

  • Challenges of clarifying vision
  • Challenges of creating a message
  • Challenges in packaging that message
  • Challenges in delivering that message
  • Challenges in persevering when roadblocks appear
  • Challenges in remaining motivated to purposefully pursue the dream

The answer to these challenges? I’ve studied people who address these challenges with great degrees of success. If they were to share their combined wisdom, it might go something like this: “Start each day by immersing yourself in your dream – meditate on it; live it; feel it; see yourself as already having accomplished your dream!”

I don’t know about you but that sounds like petty powerful advice! I wonder what might happen if we started each day following the advice just shared? I wonder what we might begin accomplishing?

I’m game! How about you? Join me in this experiment in Intention Setting and let’s see what happens!


Mark E. Hundley


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