Day One Hundred Seventy-Six of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: History!

We are on vacation this week and today we spent a couple of hours in Lincoln, NM. It was a veritable history feast! History inspires me for many ressons; however, today it caught me by surprise. Lincoln County, NM is home to the famous Lincoln County Wars that took place in 1878. Names like Murphy and Dolan and Tunstall and McSween . . . and perhaps the most famous – William Bonney (Billy the Kid) and Sheriff Pat Garrett make up the cast of characters in this slice from the past. You likely know a bit of this story.

What inspires me about this particular historical snapshot? Well, probably not what you think. What inspires me are  the lessons about what NOT to do and be.

It seems that these wars started primarily due to greed, corruption and opportunism. The really sad thing about these wars is that they did not have to happen . . . at all!

As with all violent conflicts, there were numerous opportunities to stop the silliness and madness. It’s just that no one chose to take the necessary steps to circumvent the violence and hammer out a reasonable solution.

Does this sound familiar? Greed, corruption and opportunism drive so many of our interactions in almost every arena in our society – Religious, political, educational, business, social and familial. Whenever I see acts of physical, emotional, mental, religious, political or educational violence, I am reminded that there are always better ways. All it takes is for one . . . just one person to choose differently. To do the right thing. To seek reconciliation. To build bridges. Every now and then, someone does. We just need more of those someones.

Won’t. You join me in being one of those?


Mark E. Hundley



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