Day One Hundred Seventy-Nine of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: Perseverance

Perseverance! Just the word itself spawns inspiration! Sticking with something despite the odds against success! Maintaining a mindset of positivity despite the appearance of abject negativity. Finishing a task despite the drain on metal, emotional, physical or spiritual resources! All of these define some aspect of perseverance!

Today, Vanessa and I were called upon to tap our personal commitment to perseverance. On vacation in New Mexico, we embarked on what was supposed to be a pleasant 3 mile hike. Due to poor trail markers, our easy 3 miler turned into a grueling 7+ miler! We were not prepared for a hike of this distance – physically, emotionally or mentally. About half way through, we were tempted to panic; however, we were unable to do anything but move forward through the confusion, frustration and fatigue in order to get back to safety.

We learned something today. We learned that despite seemingly insurmountable obstacles, perseverance can always win. To be honest, this is not the first time we have learned this important lesson. No. It was a poignant reminder. As much as we might have wanted to give up, our ability to persevere saw us through. And we are glad it did! What inspires me about perseverance? Simple. The ability to persevere guarantees that we will:

  • Live another day.
  • Face another set of challenges.
  • Gain new appreciation for our internal strength and resiliency.
  • Learn new lessons about living life on purpose.

Our tussle today with perseverance reminded us of the power of moving forward with purpose despite the simetimes seemingly impossible challenges we face.

The next time you find yourself in difficult circumstances feeling tempted to give up, pause long enough to give your personal perseverance time to kick in. You’ll be glad you did!


Mark E. Hundley


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