Day One Hundred Seventy-Five of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: R & R . . . & R

Today, we began a week of vacation – the first one we’ve taken in six years. Now this is not to say that we have not taken breaks from time to time over the last six years. We have enjoyed long weekends and Holidays; however, taking a planned vacation has been something whe have not done. Life can get in the way sometimes and yet, taking time off is important! Taking a little “R & R” is one thing we call it. You know . . . R & R – Rest and Relaxation!

You will notice that the title of this particular thing that inspires me is R & R . . . & R! What does this mean? Glad you asked! R & R – Rest and Relaxation – is just the beginning! Here is what the other R (actually R’s) represent:

  • Rest
  • Relaxation
  • Rejuvination
  • Recreation
  • Re-Creation
  • Restoration
  • Reconciliation
  • Replacement
  • Restitution
  • Re-living
  • Reviving
  • Resurrecting
  • Reflection
  • Reinforcing

There may be a few more “Rs” that I could add to the list; however, I believe that if I focus on just these, I will have experienced a great vacation! What inspires me about taking a purposeful vacation? R & R . . . & R & . . .

When is the last time you took some time for yourself to grab some Rs? I’m hopeful you will soon!


Mark E. Hundley


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