Day One Hundred Seventy-Eight of 365 – Things That Inspire Me: In The Middle of Nowhere!

I’ve read a quote that I believe bears mentioning in this series of posts. It goes something like this: “Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere and sometimes in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself.” I love this quote! It’s funny and profound at the same time. Sometimes we find ourselves lost, with no clue about where we are, who we are or what we are! That’s the middle of nowhere we find ourselves! The other kind of nowhere, now that can be exciting and fun!

Today, we found ourserlves in the middle of nowhere – in the middle of the desert walking among rocks covered with ancient pictures called “Petroglyphs.” We found ourselves in the middle of nowhere – sweating, squinting, climbing, looking, wondering. Many of the over 21,000 Petroglyphs are around 2,000 years old. The youngest are only about 600 years old. Ancient!

Today – in the middle of nowhere – we found ourselves. We actually found ourselves meeting and visiting with a lady (who was also walking among the Petroglyphs) who actually lives in the Metroplex less than 45 miles from us. What serendipity! We spent a few minutes talking only to find out that we were staying at the same hotel/resort. After an almost immediate connection, we decided to meet this evening for dinner and drinks.

Later on this evening (not so much in the middle of nowhere) we found ourselves comparing notes about life and discovered many parallel and similar interests. We found ourselves exchanging phone numbers and made plans to get together once we are back in the Metroplex. We found ourselves laughing. We found ourselves sharing. We found ourselves enjoying the beginnings of a new friendship.

Yes, sometimes in the middle of nowhere, we find ourselves. And when that happens, we often find ourselves on the receiving end of blessings we never knew we needed. I hope you will find ways to be aware of those serendipitous times and be ready to receive blessings you never knew you needed.


Mark E. Hundley


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