Day One Hundred Fifty-Two of 365 – Things That Bug Me: Sleep Problems

I don’t know about you but Sleep Problems bug the heck out of me! Seriously!

I love to sleep. I typically don’t sleep for long periods of time – typically 5 to 6 hours – but I really love being able to catch some z’s. I can go to sleep generally within ten minutes of my head hitting the pillow. Very cool! I am even able to grab power naps of 10 to 30 minutes and keep on going! What bugs me about sleep, however, is when I am unable to do so!

More often than not, my problems with sleep happen when I wake up much earlier than planned. When I wake up around 3 am, I’m usually done! Can’t go back to sleep no matter what I do! When that happens, I typically read or write. What else is there?  Oh . . . one other thing I do from time to time when I awake way too early . . . Facebook! Yep! I’m guilty!

When I comment on my lack of sleep on FB, many of my friends express kindness by offering encouragement and suggestions. I love them for that! Very cool! I just wish they could make my sleep problems go away. Wishful thinking, huh?

What do my problems with sleep tell me? Well, actually several things:

  • I may not be getting enough exercise.
  • I may be allowing my work to hitch a ride on my thoughts.
  • I may be experiencing higher than normal levels of stress.
  • I may be worried about a problem.
  • I may be pushing myself too hard.
  • I may have a powerful thought that needs reflection or action.
  • I may have a migraine coming on.
  • I may be a bit dehydrated.
  • I may be experiencing a bit of compassion fatigue.
  • I definitely need to focus on self-care.

I might be tempted to say that sleep problems are useless – that they unnecessarily interrupt the natural cycle of things. I might . . . but I would be wrong. Sleep problems tell me that there is something going on that needs my attention.

So, as much as sleep problems bug me, I’m working to pay more attention to the messages they send me.

Peace . . . and Sleep!

Mark E. Hundley


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