Day One Hundred Twenty-Nine of 365 – Confessions of a Recovering Bapticostal: When We All Get to Heaven!

A few posts ago I addressed the varying beliefs and ideologies associated with the concept of “saved” – especially as it relates to Christianity. The differences in perspective can be dizzying. A concept of debate that follows closely on the coattails of being “saved” is what happens after we die. Every major religion has some conception of an afterlife – some more elaborate than others – but a tenaciously held conception nonetheless.

In most scenarios, Heaven is a reward for the elect. When I was growing up (and most Christians today I believe feel similarly), we were taught that only those who believed in Jesus as the Son of God and accepted him as Savior would find their Eternal Rest behind the Pearly Gates. Bible lessons and sermons and seminars and retreats sought to solidify our belief system surrounding the Heavenly Realms. We even had a song we sung regularly and with great gusto. The title of the song was, “When We All Get to Heaven!” The chorus went something like this: “When we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing it will be! When we all see Jesus, we’ll sing and shout the Victory!”

Even as I write these words, I find myself taken back to my youth and worship services that took on an almost pep rally flavor. Loud singing, clapping hands, big smiles, shouts of joy filled those evenings! There was something alluring, almost hypnotic when that song was sung by the masses. One could get lost in the emotion and imagery.

As an adult with much more life experience under my  belt, I began wondering about Heaven; wondering about what comes after we depart this earth. I began wondering what the afterlife is like; who will be there; what surprises await us; what disappointments await us . . . Wait a minute! Disappointments? In Heaven? Well, I have to embrace the possibility that they will exist.

Let’s be honest. There are people of the Faith we really don’t like who will be there! There are people who express and practice a brand of Christianity with which we do not agree who are likely to greet us! There are groups we label cults who might have their  own locker room! There are (God forbid) people who are NOT a part of any Christian group (it could happen) who will be there as well! The one thing I find very interesting is that all of these groups lay claim to Heaven in some form or fashion.

Now before I go any further, I know that there are those stalwarts of the Christian Faith who bristle at the mere notion that Heaven is constructed in any other manner than that of which they are convinced. They proclaim that there is Only One Way; that They are the ones who know that Way; and that unless one complies with the parameters of their formula, they are doomed to Hell – period!

Here’s a thought from this Recovering Bapticostal . . . I kinda think that When We All Get to Heaven, it will be way different that any of our feeble conceptualizations. It will be more expansive. It will be more inclusive. It will house many we might believe shouldn’t be there. It will be much more mysterious than we can imagine. It will be FULL of surprises. It will be as Vizzini from The Princess Bride says, “Inconceivable!” 

The longer I live, the less I know about God and Heaven and the Afterlife. All I know is that whatever awaits us will be way cooler than anything we can conjure in our imagination.

If you get there before I do, please have a blast! Enjoy the surprises! Get to know people who are there! Begin the journey of fulfilling the rest of your purpose!Be open to learn and change! Be ready . . . I promise I will if I depart this earth before you! And we’ll figure it all out . . . When We All Get to Heaven!


Mark E. Hundley


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