Day One Hundred Thirty-Three of 365 – Confessions of a Recovering Bapticostal: When Righteousness is Just a Jacket!

Joseph (of Old Testament fame) possessed a “technicolor dream coat” which he wore as a Robe of Righteousness. Elijah (also of Old Testament fame) possessed a mantle that somehow embodied a representation of Righteousness. Garments of various types have been associated with Righteousness in multiple religious groups around the world. The thing about coats and mantles and garments is that they are worn on the outside of the body for all to see. I’m guessing that one of the reasons for the outward Regalia of Righteousness is so that others will be able to readily  identify a Righteous person. That way, there is no question!

The first time I ran into this concept – the concept of wearing righteousness so that others could see it – was when I was growing up. In all of the churches I either  visited or attended, the Righteous wore jackets to differentiate themselves from the “great unwashed.” Oh, the jackets weren’t actual garments of cloth. No, they were made of words. The Righteous, when I was growing up, announced their superiority to the world using words that created powerful images; stirred overwhelming emotions; and conjured visions of greatness that caused the “lesser ones” to view those clothed in the garments of Righteousness as Spiritual Elite. And the Spiritual Elite were venerated.

I was caught up in this circus of Spirituality for many years until I began to see that the Spiritual Elite, more often than not, used their position to cast judgement on the behavior of others. I discovered that their words and character did not always match. They used their words to separate, segregate and divide. They used their words to put down and categorize. They used their words to cast doubt on the worthiness of others. They used their words to propagate exclusion and damnation. They did this all the while behaving in ways that were misaligned from with their proclamations of Personal Righteousness. I discovered that their jackets of Righteousness had rips and  holes in the fabric. On the one hand their words sounded wonderful and on the other, their actions often cast doubt on their validity.

I was made aware that Righteousness was anything other than what I observed. I was confused and a bit angry. If the “Spiritual Giants” of the Faith failed to practice what they preached and did so with impunity, then how would one distinguish real Righteousness from the Fake?

I struggled with this conundrum until college when I began to see that Righteousness was more than a jacket worn by the Spiritual Elite. Later in life when I lost my first wife to death, the Reality of Righteousness became even more clear. Righteousness dispensed in the Real World looks and sounds and feels more like Mercy! Righteousness dispensed in the Real World is experienced as Grace! Righteousness dispensed in the Real World needs more than a Jacket. It needs people willing to meet other people where they are and Love as we have we ourselves are Loved by the Creator.

This is when Righteousness is more than a Jacket!


Mark E. Hundley


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