Day One Hundred Thirty-Seven of 365 – Confessions of a Recovering Bapticostal: Avoiding Hell

Hell! Is it a real place? Will those who fail to believe make Hell their eternal residence? Is earth the Hell for people from another planet? Is Hell a place of our making? Where and what exactly is Hell?

This would make a great Google search if you are interested.

I remember the take on Hell when I was growing up. Plain and simple, Hell was the destination for those who refused to believe in Jesus and accept Him as Savior. Everything I heard taught and preached that Hell was to be avoided at all costs. Many times it felt as if the point of all teaching and preaching was to scare listeners out of Hell. Or to put it another way, scare the Hell out of people.

I’ve always wondered about Hell. I’ve always wondered if we may be living in Hell now and are working to extract ourselves from its talons through faith in an invisible Force. I’ve wondered.

Country songs often refer to Hell. One even has a refrain that enjoins us to keep on moving if we find ourselves walking through Hell. Hmmm . . . Hell must be a rather sticky place! Slow down, become distracted, stop moving and Bam! You’re there for good!

All of this talk about Hell and the best we can come up with is Religious jargon that spouts vague threats of eternal damnation unless we bend to a specific belief system.

I don’t know about you but I’ve found myself struggling through many Hellish situations in my life. I’ve often found that relying on religious platitudes leaves me empty and without hope.

The Sioux (a Native American nation) have a profound proverb related to Hell. It goes like this: “Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell. Spirituality is for those who have already been there.” Religion creates rules that must be followed. Spirituality frees the soul to explore and experience. Religion narrows options. Spirituality expands possibilities. Religion springs from fear. Spirituality emerges from a sense of wonder.

Me? I choose Spirituality! What about you?


Mark E. Hundley


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