Day One Hundred Forty-Three of 365 – Confessions of a Recovering Bapticostal: What’s Inside

In Western Christianity, we tend to downplay our part in finding solutions to life’s problems. We tend to say that “God is everything and I am nothing.” I’ve heard that proclaimed in many ways all of which require me to put myself down. I’ve always had a problem with that. As a youngster, I never really knew why. Now as a much older version of my younger self, I know a bit more.

Perhaps we do this in order to maintain the perspective that we as human beings are anything but gods. I truly believe that most of us do not require that kind of negative self-degradation to stay humble. There are a few of us on this planet that I think might; however, most of us get it without the self put-downs.

I believe that the Creator programmed us with with gifts, talents and abilities that empower us to be part of the solution for any situation we face. We are capable because we are made that way. We must find ways to tap into that Creator generated power.

I was re-reading a great little book recently entitled Keep Going: The Art of Perseverance by Joseph M. Marshall III and thought I would share some of his words related to what is within us! Hang on! These are good!

“You did not ask to be born, but you are here.”

“You have weaknesses as well as strengths. You have both because in life there is two of everything . . .”

“Within you is the will to win as well as the willingness to lose.”

“Within you is the heart to feel compassion as well as the smallness to be arrogant.

“Within you is the way to face life as well as the fear to turn away from it.”

“Keep going!”

So often we face difficulties in life and look for answers everywhere but from within. When we pause long enough to reflect and engage in introspection we give ourselves the chance to tap into our personal Resiliency.

Within you . . . within all of us resides the power to choose to persevere. May we do so each day!


Mark E. Hundley


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