Day One Hundred Forty-Nine of 365 – Things That Bug Me: Unnecessary Prayers

The fourth of the Things That Bug Me is when I practice Unnecessary Prayers!

Have you ever felt that prayer is unnecessary? Don’t get me wrong! I’m not saying that prayer is always unnecessary. What I’m saying is that perhaps there are times when praying may be less than what is needed.

The Navajo have a rather curious proverb related to prayer and action. It goes like this: “A rocky vineyard does not need a prayer, but a pick ax.”

So often we hear ourselves say, “I’ll pray about that” or “I will pray for you!” I know I do it – perhaps more often than is necessary or appropriate. Often, the phrase becomes a rote response to any situation shared with me that I think demands a response. It becomes a phrase said to soothe my own personal discomfort or distress at the misfortune of another.

Promises and pledges for prayer are never a bad thing! A great deal of good comes when we engage in prayer on behalf of another. As much as praying can help, perhaps there are times when our prayers should be expressed in a little sweat; a little footwork; a little practical effort.

The picture painted by the Navajo proverb causes me to smile a bit. Can’t you just see it? Standing on the edge of a rocky vineyard and offering up a prayer for the rocks to be removed? Hmmm!

May we all be more mindful of the times when picking up the pick ax is the best form of supplication!


Mark E. Hundley


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