Day One Hundred Forty of 365 – Confessions of a Recovering Bapticostal: The Value of Wisdom

The Value of Wisdom!

Growing up in the somewhat convoluted combination of Pentecostalism and whatever “ism” to which Southern Baptists belong, I realized that I heard very little wisdom from the mouths of those whose job it was to dispense it. I heard countless sermons, speeches and lessons purporting wisdom. On the surface, these presentations claimed wisdom, yet delivered little if any.

Not until I made my way to college was I directly exposed to true wisdom. I discovered that once exposed, a sort of spiritual inoculation against faux wisdom occurred. Faux wisdom possesses a tantalizing ring. When delivered, faux wisdom promises great insight and yet in the long run, falls short of its promises.

True wisdom gets under the skin and burrows its way to the deepest part of our spirit. True wisdom stirs us in ways no other types of statements can. It resonates with our soul and echoes through the canyons of our mind with immovable surety.

How much is wisdom worth? Read on . . .

While reading recently, I ran across a rather intriguing Ancient Chinese Proverb. It says, “A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study!”

Ponder THAT one for a moment! A single conversation! I can identify with that statement! I can count on two hands the number of conversations I have had with very wise people – conversations that have literally turned my life around in one way or another! Conversations that gave me more in one sitting than anything I have gained through years of research or study!

So many people have so much to say these days and frankly, it’s not all worth listening to! But a single conversation with a truly wise person? A conversation filled with power, practicality and profundity? Now that is a conversation I would PAY for!

How bout you? When was your last conversation with a truly wise person? What did you take away from it? How has it affected you life? May that wisdom fill your life!


Mark E. Hundley


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