Day One Hundred Twelve of 365 – Affirmation From Within, Part One

The ultimate success of any endeavor depends almost completely on the actions we take to realize our goal. Obviously there are things outside of our control; however, even when the unexpected plants itself firmly in front of us, blocking our pathway, more often than not the choices we make will determine the eventual outcome.

Living Outside the Box requires that we take decisive, purposeful action. Without such action, we run the risk of remaining where we are, living in the same manner we always have, experiencing the same results – often a mixed-bag type of existence. Stepping outside and then living outside the box is achieved when we tap into our own internal strengths and resiliencies. We tap into those internal strengths and resiliencies when we employ the following simple process:

  • Acknowledge and identify our personal strengths and resiliencies.
  • Embrace those strengths and resiliencies – OWN them.
  • Develop those strengths and resiliencies through purposeful nurturing and cultivation.

Affirmation From Within creates a mindset that transcends obstacles. It sees beyond roadblocks and focuses on the ultimate goal, thereby generating purpose and power in present actions. I have found that a four-part mantra assists in this process. It goes like this:

  • I Want to . . .  (A Statement of  Desire)
  • I Can . . . (A Statement of Ability)
  • I Will . . . (A Statement of Intent)
  • I Am . . . (A Statement of Action)

An example of a series of statements using this mantra goes like this: “I want to run a marathon one year from now. I can run a marathon one year from now. I will run a marathon one year from now. I am in the process of preparing to run a marathon one year from now by establishing a plan and executing that plan daily.”

On a separate piece of paper, your smart phone, tablet, laptop or pc, write as many personal strengths and resiliencies as possible. Surround yourself with these strengths and resiliencies. Allow them to fill your thoughts about yourself. These become the well of personal power you will tap as you Build Your Dream and Live Outside the Box. This is Part One. Tomorrow, we will complete this process of exploring the power of Affirmation From Within in Part Two.


Mark E. Hundley


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