Day One Hundred Thirteen of 365 – Affirmation From Within, Part Two


The key to the success of realizing any dream or completing any plan of action lies in the choices of the individual involved in the process. The most complete dreams or well-conceived plans are useless unless the responsible individual steps in and acts to give life to both! What does this mean to you and me? I know it is obvious but unless you and I purposely act to make things happen, nothing will happen!

We cannot expect someone else to do for us the things we must do for ourselves. We must create the Dream. We must devise the Life Plan. We must filter both through our two Support Systems. We must work at making both our Dream and our Life Plan a reality.

We must change our thought processes. We must change our volitional processes. We must work to eliminate “Try” from our vocabulary. Yoda had it right when he said, “Do or do not. There is no try!” You see trying is simply thinking about doing. Working is doing! We must Dream, Plan, Filter and Do! WE are the Key!

Refer back to your notes from yesterday’s exercise and review the information you produced related to personal strengths and resiliencies. These character traits are the components you will use to ensure your success. Each character trait can and must be accessed in every aspect of this Dream Building Process in order for you to successfully Live Outside the Box!

As you contemplate the next steps in this process please be aware that you will experience challenges to your changes! Others may experience discomfort as you alter your approach to living. They may even attempt to sidetrack you as you move forward. Remember! You are the author, producer and director of your life! You are the star player! You have the power to determine who plays supportive roles! Connecting with support people who can and will encourage and challenge you to continue Dream Building is imperative!

Write a note of encouragement to yourself in any format you wish – a piece of paper, a digital note, an email, a text, etc – stating your belief in yourself as you begin the process of Building Your Dream and Living Outside the Box! Print this note and put it in a place where you can read it regularly. Internal belief in your ability to create a life of your choosing is perhaps the strongest source of motivation. The more you believe, the more you act in accordance with those beliefs.


Mark E. Hundley


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