Day One Hundred Sixteen of 365 – Think!

Thoughts are powerful! The can color almost everything we do in life!

  • The create, alter or interpret perspectives.
  • They outline possible courses of action.
  • They form frameworks for perception of self and others.
  • The connect ideas.
  • The open or close doors to discovery.

Thoughts can determine the kind of person we become! Yes, thoughts are powerful!

Psalm 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he . . .” (I’ve often said that if that were really true, I would have become a girl by the age of 16! LOL). Seriously, the central focus of this bit of wisdom points to the power of contemplative thought. We live out what we ponder most!

The Navajo people have a proverb that address the power of thought that says, “Thoughts are like arrows. Once released, they strike their mark. Guard them well or one day you may be your own victim! Ouch! That truth pierces to the core, doesn’t it?

May we pay closer attention to our thoughts . . . to the ways we think about ourselves, others and the world! May we think as positively as possible today and every day!


Mark E. Hundley


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