Day One Hundred Six of 365 – Life Can Be Good, Part 2

Life Can Be Good is the first of what I call the “Two Can Dos” – pathways to Possibility Thinking. Building and living dreams requires vision – vision that is forward thinking! Much has been written concerning the necessity of creating and manitaining personal, professional and corporate vision and mission statements! Following a clear vision helps create puprpose and meaning in life. Prosperity – however we define it – follows vision. Ancient Wisdom literature says: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) Stated another way, “When vision is present, people prosper!”

Life Can Be Good! This statement screams Possibility! The first step in Dream Building is buying into the Possibility of that statement! Life Can Be Good! There are no guarantees that it will or won’t be good but the Possibility that it CAN be generates tremendous energy! This is the first part of the creation of a Life Plan.

“What do you want to do?” This is a powerful question – simple yet extremely powerful! Answering ths question establishes the foundation for Dream Building. Dream Buildiong begins with the creation of a Dream Statement. Yesterday, you wrote down a series of words related to the creatiobn of a Good Life. Go back and read that list. Spend some time thinking about those words. What images do they conjure in your mind? What feelings and emotions come into play? What thoughts and ideas bubble to the surface? Allow these images, feelings and thoughts to simmer in your conscious mind.

Take a moment to think about what that Good Life would be for you! What does your Good Life include? What would it taste like; feel like; smell like; look like? Where would it take place? Who would be there  with you? What kinds of things would you do? What kinds of accomplishments would be yours? What legacies would you leave behind?

Now, write an asnwer to the question, “What do you want to do?” Use you own personal set of Dream Words (the words you wrote yesterday) to formulate your answer. Clear your mind of distractions – especially those that limit possibilities. Start writing!


Mark E. Hundley


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