Day One Hundred Fifteen of 365 – Staying on Track!

Today is the final post in this series. It began with the idea that merely “thinking outside the box” means that we are still in the box. We simply “toss our ideas over the edge of our box” without necessarily engaging in the process of taking an idea to fruition. Living Outside the Box requires more from us. It requires that we take responsibility for the direction of our lives. It requires us to think and plan and evaluate and respond. It requires us to live proactively!

Staying on Track means getting back into Action Mode as soon as possible whenever we find ourselves spinning in the Four Givens. As stated previously, learning to spend appropriate amounts of time working through the life events that have caused us to spin actually prepares us to step back into the field of play and stay on track.

The beauty of the Dream Building System is that we actually have five places – five arenas into which we may move in order to get back on track.  You will see that the five places into which we may choose to step are the arenas in which our own personal action determines the direction of the outcomes.

The five arenas into which we may choose to step are:

  • Life Can Be Good – Focusing on our Dream Statement can serve to remind us of the power of Possibility Living! Remember! Life Can Be Good! We have the power to dream and then take the steps necessary to make our Dream Statement a Reality!
  • People Do Create Good Lives – Focusing on our Life Plan can also serve to remind us of Possibility Living! By focusing on this arena I am reminded of the power of Doing! I find that by keeping a running notebook filled with stories of people who continually create good lives I am reminded of my own personal power of creation!
  • Faith, Beliefs and/or Values – Focusing on our Faith, Beliefs and/or Values serves to remind us to tap into the support found in the creation of meaning through purposeful living. We have the power to transcend the obvious and work to connect with that which is bigger than we.
  • Connections with Others – Focusing on the connections we have within our community support system can serve to ground our thoughts and efforts. We are able to remember that the realization of our dreams and plans takes place within the context of community. When we focus here, we can begin to access any resources necessary to make our actions more purposeful.
  • Affirmation from Within – Focusing on our own personal strengths and resiliencies can serve to remind us that although we may not always be able to determine what life throws in our path to divert us, WE have the power to respond and choose our directions. We have the ability to make things happen for ourselves. We are the key!

One Final Thought

A Dream Conceived = Potential!

A Dream Written = Possibility!

A Dream Shared = Probability!

Patience Produces Results!

Perseverance Pays Dividends!

Persistence Prevents Purposelessness!

I’m hopeful you have fun Building Your Dream by Living Outside the Box!

I’d be interested in hearing from you if I may be of assistance. Shoot me an email at


Mark E. Hundley



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