Day One Hundred Eighteen of 365 – Hitting the Wall

Hitting the Wall! This simple phrase has many meanings depending on the context in which it is spoken. Hitting the Wall finds expression in our mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and relational ventures. Every single one of us hits the wall from time to time.

When you hit that Proverbial Wall, what do you do? How do you respond? What do you think or feel?

I imagine that many, if not all of you, feel discouraged and frustrated when you run head first into whatever Wall positions itself in your path. I also imagine that at other times, you fall into despair or succumb to feelings of hopelessness. These experiences are completely normal and to be expected. Hitting the Wall, as unpleasant as it is, does not have to mean the end to that for which you are reaching. It can simply mean that it is time to stop, think, breathe and evaluate.

Following are a few simple suggestions for what you might consider doing the next the you Hit the Wall:

  • Slow down – The demands of this fast-paced world in which we live often falsely force us to exceed our capacities. When this happens, we lose strength, resolve and focus. Simply slow down . . .
  • Take five deep, belly breaths – Why five? I don’t know for sure but if one or two work to calm you down, what’s wrong with a few more? Breathing opens the door for us to recapture much needed perspective when facing the Wall.
  • Stop moving – I know, I know. How can we make progress if we stop moving? As odd as it may be, sometimes we must stop moving in order to move forward with more purpose than previously thought.
  • Step back – Now there’s a real downer! Step back? Are you kidding me? No, actually. I’m not kidding. Sometimes we are so close to the Wall that that is all we see . . . the Wall! If we step back we have the opportunity to explore possible options.
  • Evaluate the possibilities – Once we see what is really in front of us, we have the chance to evaluate which options are best for us.
  • Move forward – Every Wall has a door or window or opening or pathway over, under, around or through. We just need to take the one most likely to help us achieve our purpose.

When is the last time you Hit the Wall? For me, it was just before I began writing this little post. I had experienced Writer’s Block – another term for “Hitting the Wall.” Once I closed my eyes, took two or three deep breaths and placed my fingers on the keys, I found a way through the Block. I’m betting that if you do the same, you’ll likely experience a similar outcome!


Mark E. Hundley


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