Day Ninety-Two of 365 – Don’t Let Addiction Win!

Addiction is a common word today! We hear it used to describe so many conditions or problems. Some think we use it too much to describe too many challenges while other think we use it too sparingly. Regardless of your position, addiction is a reality in our world! Whether the addiction relates to substances (alcohol or drugs), food, work, sex, relationships, religion or any number of other issues, it is a reality with which we must deal.

Addiction ruins individuals. It ruins marriages It ruins families. It ruins organizations. It ruins almost everything it touches if left unchecked.

Through the years, I’ve learned a few things about addition. Allow me to share a few with you here:

  • Addiction is not a respecter of persons – everyone is susceptible.
  • Addiction is serious. It can debilitate or kill.
  • Addiction cannot be addressed in solitude.
  • Addiction is forever. We learn to manage, not defeat it!
  • Addiction takes on many forms – not just drugs or alcohol.
  • Addiction permeates our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
  • Addiction is tough to break!
  • Addiction requires that the addict seek assistance.
  • Addiction begets more addiction.

Whatever we need to do! Whatever we need to say! Whatever we need to address! We must do it!

Don’t Let Addiction Win!


Mark E. Hundley


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