Day Ninety-Six of 365 – The Best Advice

When visiting with students or clients in private practice, I often ask, “What is the single best piece of advice you’ve received?” I’m fascinated by the responses and quite frequently add some of those responses to my growing list of “Best Advice.” Advice generally comes from individuals – family, friends, colleagues, mentors, counselors, etc. It may come solicited or unsolicited. Sometimes, advice comes from something we read in books, articles or magazines.

Today in this ninety-sixth installment of my 365 day writing challenge, I want to share three of the best pieces of advice I’ve received.

  • “Work, Don’t Worry!” How often do we allow concerns about the immediate or distant future to cloud our thinking, rattle our nerves or skew our judgment? How often do we invite worry to crowd our actions and delay our engagement in a task? The day I received this bit of wisdom found me drowning in something that was completely out of my hands. The moment this brief statement was shared, I was reminded that the onl thing over which I had control in that moment was my ability to engage in work. When I embraced the power of that statement, I was able to focus on what was in front of me and put the worry aside. I was able to focus on that over which I had control . . . myself.
  • “Be a Willow. Only the Flexible Survive!” At a time in my life when when everything was chaos and I felt a need to know answers to potentially pivotal questions about the cause of something that had happened to me, a therapist friend of mine proffered this bit of wisdom. Rigidity and a perceived need to know threatened to derail great progress in my life. When my friend shared this with me, I immediately envisioned a willow in the middle of a violent storm. I saw it bend but not break. I saw it stripped of its leaves but retain its identity. I saw it stay put because of its roots. Since then whenever I find myself in the midst of a storm, I remind myself to “Be a Willow!”
  • “The Present is the Point at which Time Touches Eternity!” This advice comes courtesy of C. S. Lewis in his book ” The Screwtape Letters.” Perhaps my favorite quote of all time from any source is this one. The advice I receive from this quote is a strong reminder of the power of the moment. I cannot replay any of my yesterdays. My future lies in projected, reheased outcomes that I either hope will come to fruition or hope will disappear before they are reality. The only real point in time in which I have opportunity to make a difference is NOW! Anything that I do that is of any Eternal significance will always be accomplished in each and every ‘Now” moment I have. This advice helps me remain mindful.

There you have it! Three of the best pieces of advice I have ever received? What makes these statements so important? The fact that I can work to employ them in my daily living. Pracitcality determines the usefulness of advice. Remember that!

What is The Best Advice you have ever received? I’m interested to know! Please feel free to share!


Mark E. Hundley


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