Day Ninety-Seven of 365 – Awesome or Aww Shucks?

It seems that our modern culture has highjacked a word that should reflect feelings of wonder, deep respect, reverance or admiration and relegated its meaning to something much more mundane. To borrow a line from The Princess Bride, “I do not think it means what you think it means.” What is that word? Well, it’s “Awesome”of course!

When someone or something is truly “Awesome,” he/she/it should leave people, “awestruck” because he/she/it is “awe-inspiring” based solely on the magnitude of the presence of this person or thing. Sadly, we live in a time when it seems that everything that happens is somehow “awesome, dude” and every minor accomplishment is “awesome, man” and every person who functions at the bare minimum level of expectation is somehow . . . well . . . “awesome!” When “awesome” is thrown around with such banality, it loses its meaning and therefore its influence on human perception and behavior.

I spent a better part of the late afteroon today in the presence of Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial in D.C. I was truly in AWE of the building and even more so of the grave and serious statue of our country’s 16th President. I have always wanted to stand under that protective structure and gaze at the enormous statue and today, I did. As much as I wanted to take in everything that is the Lincoln Memorial and allow it to seep into and through the pores of my soul, I found myself struggling to do so. Why you ask? Let me tell you.

You see, it seems that many schools in the D.C. area are on Spring Break. That means that many students and families are out on vacation. That also means that many were visiting the Lincoln Memorial. At the base of the statue of President Lincoln is a sign that strongly encourages quiet while attending the statue. Although the noise was bearable, it was anything but reverent. Very little evidence of Awe was seen. People were giggling shooting those God-awful “selfies” with President Lincoln sitting stoically in the background. A part of me wondered if that glorious and smober statue could self-animate, what he might do. Might he rise, shake his head and walk away? Might he sweep everyone from his chamber with a swipe of his enormous hand? Might he just bury his head and issue a deep sigh? I really don’t know; however, I believe that if the statue could talk, it might ask us what the hell we were doing.

It seems to me that we have changed the meaning of Awe-some to something more akin to Aww Shucks – a move that denegrates such a powerful word as Awesome.

I believe that we must recapture what Awe really means to more deeply understand exactly what people and things are truly Awesome as a result. We must re-learn or learn for the first time that Awesome is something out of the ordinary. That it is rare and unique! That it inspires us to be better, think better and act better! That it is a label of greatness!

What will it take for us to move from Aww Shucks to Awesome living? Perhaps it begins with contemplating, truly contemplating, what Awesome really means. Stop where you are. Clear your mind. Focus on the real definition of Awesome. Now, allow a person or thing that truly fits that definition to come to mind. What do you feel? What do you think? How does that person/thing affect you? What will you do to incorporate this new understanding into your daily life? I dare you to give it a shot!


Mark E. Hundley


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