Day Ninety-Five of 365 – Just a Moment of Thanks!

A Moment . . . Just a Moment of Thanks!

I have two sets of questions to pose today. I am hopeful that as you read each set, you will be moved toward a specific set of actions. Intrigued? Read on!

Set One

How often do folks cross you mind – folks who have done something for you? Folks who have extended kindness or forgiveness or mercy in your direction? Folks who have made a difference in your life or the lives of others? Folks who quietly go about the business of making life more meaningful for those around them? Folks who are just plain good people? My guess is that it happens rather frequently, perhaps more often than we are aware. 

Set Two

How often when those folks cross your mind do you pause to say “thanks” to them? You know . . . a genuine word of thanks via text, email, hand written note, letter or better yet a call? How often? Probably not often enough! I want to! I intend to but I don’t. If you are like I am, I allow things to get in the way of my good intentions and the moment passes without action on my part!

Here is the challenge! Sometime over the next five days, take a moment . . . just a moment . . . and say “thanks” to at least five people who have touched your life in some way!

I’m betting that you will feel great and the folks on the receiving end will be astonished that you thought of them and . . . took action! Life is short! Seize this moment to thank those who have made a difference in your life!

Happy Thanking!



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