Day Sixty – One of 365 – One Finger Cannot Lift a Pebble

The Hopi people have a simple proverb that points to the need for collaboration. It says, “One finger cannot lift a pebble.” Sounds simple enough  doesn’t it? The meaning is obvious! The application is clear! And yet, the practice is often ignored.

How many times do you or I attempt something alone that requires more than one person? My guess is that many more than we care to admit. What makes us do this? What causes us to close our eyes to the reality of this proverb?

My guess is that it has much to do with pride. Pride! My, my, my! How often does pride get us in trouble?

“One finger cannot lift a pebble . . . ” Period! Unless one uses glue or tape or some other sticky substance, the pebble remains on the ground. The finger needs the assistance of the opposable thumb. Even the smallest, lightest pebble cannot be lifted by a single finger. It needs help.

We must remember this lesson every day we live. We need others to help us accomplish our goals. Others need US to help them accomplish their goals. The problem lies not in the ability of the finger and thumb to work together but in the times that the two REFUSE to work together.

The simple message is clear. We need each other! Period!


Mark E Hundley


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