Day Sixty of 365 – The Nightmare of Another

Finding and living one’s purpose is a topic about which much has been written. Whether the books and/or articles that address the subject are religious, political, ideological, educational or psychological in nature, many times the point appears to be the same. They seek to define purpose by creating a set of expectations and behaviors that tend to highlight how following the advice contained in the various writings will result in a life filled with positive outcomes. It is almost as if that when we find that “magical purpose” promised  in the writings, our life immediately become blessed in ways that are unimaginable. Let’s face it, if by following some magical formula, I can create a life that is blessed as evidenced by an abundance of peace, prosperity, power or purpose, I would be crazy to avoid following the formula. Therein lies the problem with this line of thinking.

Purpose becomes glamorized. It becomes alluring, sexy and desirable! It becomes the next fad consumed by our need to be hip!

What if finding one’s purpose is actually a little messy? What if finding one’s purpose includes getting our hands dirty or breaking a sweat or stepping into the middle of the unpleasant? What if finding one’s purpose demands that we speak and live truth in ways that make us unpopular? What if finding one’s purpose isn’t as clear as many pretend it to be?

“Sometimes, we must step into the middle of another’s nightmare in order to fulfill our purpose.” This is a quote from one of my short stories, DarkLight, available on Amazon Kindle. Now stepping into any nightmare is a proposition none of us are really excited about. We don’t necessarily get up in the morning and set an intention to find the nearest nightmare situation and insert ourselves in the middle of it. And yet . . . perhaps finding the courage to do just that when faced with such a choice is one of the best ways to fulfill our purpose.

Learning to treat others in the manner in which we would like to be treated in any situation – no matter how difficult or unpleasant – might just be the key to fulfilling personal purpose.

When is the last time you were faced with a choice to step into the nightmare of another to provide love, encouragement, support, forgiveness, grace or guidance? It was pretty scary, right? How did you feel afterward? Did you feel that stirring deep in your soul that affirmed you had done the good and right thing? Did you? If so, stepping into the middle of that nightmare doesn’t seem so meaningless, now does it?

Remember! “Sometimes, we must step into the middle of another’s nightmare in order to fulfill our purpose.”


Mark E. Hundley



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