Day Seventy-Three of 365 – “When In Doubt . . .”

Doubt is one of the most disrupting emotions around! Doubt sneaks in on waves of uncertainty when we are unsure of ourselves. It rushes in when we find ourselves “on the spot” to deliver a presentation. It pulls us under the surface of self confidence when we would rather maintain an air of self-assuredness. It freezes us in place when we need to react. Doubt messes with our minds, stirs up our emotions, boggles our beliefs, complicates our plans, clouds our judgement.

Doubt is a really tough customer. I’ve often struggled with this creative adversary. I’m sure you have as well. If you are like me, from time-to-time your responses to doubt find expression in narrow alleyways that tend to create the same unfulfilling outcomes. We find ourselves stuck in the mire of falling victim to the power of doubt.

I often think about doubt and envision other ways I can respond when doubt raises its ugly head. Allow me to share some of those options.

When In Doubt:

  • Pray
  • Take a deep breath
  • Relax
  • Run away
  • Pay attention
  • Get out of your emotions
  • Move up into your head
  • Engage your brain
  • Call for help
  • Reach out
  • Listen carefully
  • Act decisively
  • Fall back on what you know to be true
  • Close you eyes
  • Ask the question
  • Hug
  • Laugh
  • Cry
  • Feel
  • Finish the task
  • Seek assistance
  • Lend a hand
  • Give of yourself
  • Fake it til you make it
  • Take a moment
  • Believe in yourself
  • Accept support

I could probably go on, but I won’t Perhaps one of the most useful pieces of advice I’ve ever received about dealing with doubt is that I must “Doubt the Doubt” – as in a negative times a negative equals a positive. Doubt the reality and truthfulness of the doubt itself.

There are many, many options when dealing with doubt. I’ve shared just a few of them. I’m hopeful this brief post will provide you with other ways to deal with doubt when it shows its shifty face.


Mark E. Hundley


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