Day Seventy-Six of 365 – “Something Always Comes Along!”


Seventy-six days ago I embarked on what sometimes feels like an impossible journey. Seventy-six days ago I committed to write something (hopefully something of significance) every day for a whole year. I must admit that there have been a few days when I thought that my quest would end. Thus far, however, something has always surfaced about which I have been able to write.

Today has been “one of those days” when I feared that inspiration would fail me. Even as I sat down in front of the keyboard, I was a bit unsure; however, something came along. All I had to do was relax, wait, trust and begin work.

The “writing about life idea” that surfaced parallels my experience with this particular post. Just when I thought I would lose my writing streak, something came along . . . Something Always Comes Along! The same is true in life. How often do we find ourselves at the end of our rope? How often do we teeter on the edge of disaster? How many times do we stumble through the darkness seeking a clear path to walk? How many times are we tempted to give up and stop working? More often than we realize, I’m afraid.

I have a feeling that if we follow four simple steps, something will come along to help us get a handle on the direction of our lives because “Something Always Comes Along!’ All we have to do is practice four simple things:

  • We must learn to Relax – take a deep breath and relax. I’ve never known a time when I’ve been all tied up in knots that I was able to see clearly, think logically or act reasonably. Relax so that the answers can begin to line up outside your door.
  • We must learn to Wait – as much as impatience wants to drive the boat, we must wait until clarity emerges. Waiting allows us to tune into the still small voice of intuition and intuition rarely steers us in the wrong direction.
  • We must learn to Trust – the process, ourselves, our support system, our ability to solve problems. We must trust that we will see the direction when it presents itself.
  • We must learn to Begin Work – even if the solution is not completely clear. Sometimes taking action actually primes the pump and opens the doors, clearing the way for decisive and purposeful outcomes.

Funny how “Something Always Comes Along!”


Mark E. Hundley


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