Day Seventy-Seven of 365 – “Thoughts About Time!”

On this Saturday, I’ve been thinking a lot about time. Time is such a curious commodity. We can do so many things with it. Following are a few ways to address time in our lives.

We can:

  • Spend it
  • Use it
  • Waste it
  • Kill it
  • Embrace it
  • Forget it
  • Change it
  • Pass it
  • Make it
  • Invest it

Further, Time:

  • Flies
  • Goes on forever
  • Slows down
  • Stops
  • Flashes before our eyes
  • Freezes
  • Speeds up
  • Passes

Time is ours to use. What we do with the time we have determines the outcome of our relationships, our jobs, our hobbies, our education or our care for self.

Time is a commodity. Time depends on us. Time needs our proactive involvement, otherwise it runs amok, doing what it will. Time needs us . . . Now!


Mark E. Hundley



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