Day Seventy-One of 365 – When Life Overwhelms

Wading in waist deep gulf or ocean water can have a tremendous calming effect. Losing yourself in the undulations of a serene surf can create a sense of peace and tranquility. All of this is great until the ocean’s other personality asserts itself. You know what I mean. Without warning, a “rogue wave” appears from nowhere and violently knocks you off your feet and pushes you under the surface and smashes your face into the sandy bottom. Exciting, huh?

The forces and energy of the ocean are tremendous! Not only the forces we can see but the forces that are unseen. The ocean creates undercurrents and riptides that can sweep us out and away before we know what has happened. Whether waves or currents or riptides, the ocean can sometimes overwhelm, much like life itself.

When life overwhelms, when it pushes you under, what do you do? How do you respond? All too often, our initial reaction is to fight vehemently, flailing wildly against that which we believe will destroy us. When we are overwhelmed, it certainly feels as if we are about to be destroyed. The overwhelming waves, currents and riptides of life carry with them the threat of destruction. If we are not aware, if we are not mindful, we may certainly succumb to the initial onslaught and give up. However, there are other options that can create life and possibility and purpose.

Following are a few suggestions that might help us survive When Life Overwhelms:

  • Relax and go with the flow – fighting against the initial onslaught often unnecessarily drains our strength.
  • Take a deep breath and find your center.
  • Allow the chaos created by the overwhelming event to settle – it cannot go on forever.
  • Take stock of the resources you have within and around you.
  • Reach out to others who can help you make sense of what remains.
  • Begin making plans to move forward.
  • Take steps, test your plans, make adjustments, believe in your possibilities, choose to engage life.

When life takes us by surprise, when we are carried away by the tides of unexpected change, when we are overwhelmed by the rogue waves of chaos, we must believe that possibility exists. We must pause long enough to give ourselves a chance to take a deep breath, embrace our emotions and gather our wits. Then we will be able to move out of and away from those things that would overwhelm and carry us away.


Mark E. Hundley



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