Day Seventy-Four of 365 – When It Is What It Is

On Day Seventy-Four of my 365 day writing challenge, I may have hit upon the strangest idea yet – and I mean strange even for me! Sometimes strange ideas work and sometimes they don’t. The jury is still out on this idea. Sometimes my mind takes rabbit-trail trips that wander through canyons of fancy. Sometimes my mind just wanders. Perhaps this day, my mind is just wandering.

Here we go!

When It is what It is, It is what It is . . . plain and simple. What makes us want to make what It is what It’s not? Perhaps we are uncomfortable with what It is.

When It is what It is becomes what It’s not, usually some prevarication is the culprit. Sneaky as one who prevaricates might be in working to make what It is, what It’s not, the reality is that what It is, still is what It is.

Confused? I am as well . . .

Sometimes we are extremely afraid of the IT of what It is! We wish that IT could be anything other than what It is; however, It is what It is no matter what other thing we wish It could be!

Sometimes we pretend that what It is, is not what It is because It is what It is. Period! If we could pretend It away, we could continue to live a self-created fantasy; however, It is what It is!

So what are we to do with It? I thought you’d never ask! When we accept It as It is, we empower ourselves to adjust to or change What It is. We can make a huge difference in our lives and the lives of others only when we acknowledge that It is what It is, when It is what It is.


Mark E. Hundley


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