Day Eighty-Six of 365 – What To Do About the “IT” Factor!

IT! You know what I mean, right? No, no, no . . . Not THAT IT (Information Technology)! And for those of you who have a warped sense of humor, I’m not referring to the “Cousin” kind either! The “IT” to which I refer is the one with which you find yourself dealing today! The “IT” that appears to be a constant source of worry or irritation or frustration! The “IT!” Yes, that’s right. That IT! What can we do about IT?

Well, for one thing, we can choose to look at IT differently! The reality is that “IT comes into our lives . . . simply to pass!” IT is not permanent regardless of what IT is. IT is temporary!

I know that sometimes the IT that plants itself squarely in front of us and blocks our forward progress appears to be a permanently immovable object. IT really isn’t! IT really is short-lived.

If our perspective of that pesky IT is that IT will never go away, then we have allowed IT to defeat us before we get started. We simply must choose to look at IT differently. We must acknowledge and embrace the temporary nature of IT!

So . . . if your “IT” is bogging you down today, give this a shot!

  1. Stay Calm – take a deeeep breath and relax!
  2. Dig Deep – tap into your personal resiliency!
  3. Reach Out – find a supportive friend to talk about your struggle with IT!
  4. Look Ahead – set your sights beyond the IT and focus on the end game!
  5. Move Forward – take that first step toward the IT in front of you and you might find that IT steps out of your way!

Remember! “IT” came . . . simply to pass!


Mark E. Hundley


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