Day Eighty-One of 365 – “Go On! I Dare You! Take A Stand!”

This particular snippet has its genesis in a couple of separate yet parallel pieces I’ve published in another place in the past. After reviewing these two thoughts, I felt compelled to combine them into one complete article. On this Eighty-First day of my 365 day writing challenge, I find myself drawn once again, to clarifying the differences between Standing For and Standing Against! I hope you enjoy!

The is a difference between Standing For and Standing Against!

Often when Standing Against someone or something, there is a strong component of “group think” and “group emotion” that drives our thoughts, feelings and actions. Standing Against often motivates groups of people to defend and destroy their perceived opponent! This type of Stand can be seen in athletic contests and wars for example. All that is really necessary for one to Stand Against something (or someone for that matter) is some emotionally charged, under examined, poorly researched, inherently biased, loudly communicated, mass produced message whose only purpose is to divide, separate, alienate, segregate, propagate (hate, ridicule, anger, etc.), debilitate and destroy. Not a lot of thinking going on here. When one is swept up in the storm of Standing Against, rational thought, emotional intelligence and human decency are often swept away in the wake.

Standing For someone or something, on the other hand, comes from a deeper, more secure place. Standing For requires that we examine our core values, beliefs and principles and act accordingly. Standing For something or someone takes much more courage; much more deliberation; much more reason; and much more self-examination. I recently read a quote that I think compliments the intent of this article. The quote says, “Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.”

Wow! I love how this forces a shift  in perspective! Bashing what we hate is easy. Bashing what we hate requires nothing of us except abject mindlessness.

Promoting what we love or hold dear requires mindfulness and purposeful detachment from the potential influence of the bullying behavior of those who choose to speak from the din of frenzied group think. Many times when Standing For someone or something we find ourselves acting from a place of Goodness. Goodness may best be defined as the “Strength to Take a Stand.” It is the quality that creates the courage to confront; the willingness to forgive; the desire to support; and the initiative to comfort.

Those who practice Standing For frequently find themselves walking the path of moderation (a position that places them squarely in the middle of extreme opposite forces) and working to bring some sanity to the craziness. Standing For routinely flies in the face of popular political ideologies and standard modern day theologies. Truly Standing For creates a platform for the promotion of commonality, compassion and reconciliation.

Albert Einstein once wrote, “What’s popular isn’t always right and what’s right isn’t always popular!” This statement is the foundation upon which those who Stand For will find their voice!

What do you Stand For? Examine, Reflect and Take That Stand!


Mark E. Hundley


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