Day Eighty-Four of 365 – That Tough Thing . . . You Know The One!

That “though” thing . . . you know the one!

We all have that “tough” thing on our plate – that thing that we wish would go away or diminish in importance. We approach that tough thing in many ways – ignore it; pretend it doesn’t matter; cover it up; make excuses for it; “forget” to address it; hope someone else will take it on. You get the picture! However, no matter what we do to NOT address that “tough” thing, it remains.

What might happen if we just took care of that tough thing today! First thing! Right off the bat! Just did it? Make that call; write that letter; ask that question; seek reconciliation; admit our mistake? I wonder what might happen?

Like Yoda said, “Do or Do Not! There is No Try!” Once we determine to do that tough thing it’s not so tough anymore!


Mark E. Hundley

Please visit my Amazon Author Page to find out more about my two books and four short stories. Thanks for stopping by!


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