Day Eighty-Five of 365 – “Just Ten Seconds More!”

Just Ten Seconds More!

Life is so very busy! We often find ourselves with more “to do” at the end of our time! Recent research indicates that our belief that we can “multitask” is actually erroneous. It seems that the brain can really only focus on one thing at a time. That does not mean that, like apps on our Smart Phones, we don’t have multiple thoughts running in the background, draining our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual batteries. We do! The vague awareness of these “things to do in our cue” can create a sense of urgency that drives us to jump quickly to the next thing on the list. It creates high levels of anxiety.

Just Ten Seconds More!

Wouldn’t it be great if we could slow down a bit, take a breath and get a handle on what is really important in any given moment? Wouldn’t it be great to find a way to reduce the anxiety that courses through our bodies? Wouldn’t it be great if we could just chill and enjoy the moment?

Just Ten Seconds More!

Well, we can and we can do this by adding Just Ten Seconds More! I wonder what might happen if we were to take Just Ten Seconds More Time before we act, speak or move on? I’m curious . . .

What might happen if:

  1. We held that hug just ten seconds more?
  2. We  took ten seconds more listening to our children share about their day?
  3. We added ten seconds more time paying attention to an explanation before interrupting with our position?
  4. We took ten seconds more before expressing our feelings of anger?
  5. We extended that morning kiss just ten seconds more?
  6. We stood just ten seconds more to take in a sunset?
  7. We added just ten seconds more to pay attention to our intuition?
  8. We took ten seconds more to pray and meditate before acting?

You get the picture! Ten seconds is such a brief amount of time yet it holds such powerful potential!

Go ahead . . . I urge you to take Just Ten Seconds More! See how your life might change!


Mark E. Hundley


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