Day Thirty-Six of 365 – And Then There Is One

Regardless of the event – whether sporting or political or entertainment or academic – in the end, there is only one who can stand as the winner, the one who outlasts all others. Sometimes that ONE is a team and other times that ONE is a lone individual.

Life is like that as well. When all is said and done. When every avenue has been explored. When one has done everything there is to do, there is always one who remains. When we have reached out to access every source of support within our grasp, we are the one remaining. When we have prayed every prayer to be lifted, we are the one remaining. When we have exhausted every source of inspiration, we are the one remaining.

What I say here today does not downplay the part Faith plays in finding solutions. What I say here today does not downplay the importance of supportive people in our lives. What I say here today does not downplay the part that good fortune takes in opening doors. What I say here today states a sometimes lonesome reality. The only thing we can say when all else has been said or done or attempted is “and then there is one” . . . and I am that one.

Stripping away all else, I am the one who must step into the fray. I am the one who must risk embarrassment. I am the one who must reach out, take a stand, give of myself, believe in the possibilities. I am the one. YOU, are the one!

Are you ready for the challenges? I believe you are!


Mark E. Hundley

Please visit my Amazon Author Page for information about my books and short fiction. Thanks!


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