Day Thirty-Seven of 365 – The Source of Resistance

So much talk about resistance these days! If we were to believe those who speak out against resistance, the reality would be that resistance is the pathway to destruction. There appears to be a popular position that views resistance as something to be eliminated. Further, those who espouse this position tend to label “resistance workers” as people devoid of wisdom or character or direction.  Those who resist find themselves targets of derision.

Resistance then becomes tantamount to treachery.

As much as some would want us to believe that resistance is unpatriotic, nothing is further from the truth! In fact, resistance might just be the action that causes us to redeem our power as a people.

The Lakota have a proverb that states, “Force, no matter how concealed, begets resistance.” If this statement is true – and I believe it is – then the source of resistance is the force enacted by those in power. Think about it! Some believe that the best way to create cohesiveness in corporate direction is to impose force. Force! Push! Demand! Coerce! Manipulate! These are the tactics that those in power often employ to move ideas and people and projects forward, all the time believing that resistance is somehow an outgrowth of evil intent. And yet, Force begets the very Resistance they seek to eliminate. They create that which they hate!

What is the answer? I’m thinking that the answer is simple, yet incredibly gutsy and difficult. Instead of using Force as the lead strategy, work instead to invite dialogue and discussion and free exchange of ideas that may ultimately create a sense of unity. The one thing that i see that might get in the way is the sense that those in power might lose the illusion of control they have convinced themselves that they possess.

Confusing? Just take a few minutes to think about it. Perhaps you will see as the Lakota do that, “Force, no matter how concealed, begets resistance.”


Mark E. Hundley

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