Day Forty-Eight of 365 – What We Are Inside

Have you ever wondered about What We Are Inside? When I ask that question, what comes to mind? Do you think about organs and blood and connective tissue? Do images of skeletal structures surface? Do you envision synapses firing energy through the brain? Do you focus on the unseen animating force of the soul?

What We Are Inside is actually a fascinating combination of all that is presented above and then some. What We Are Inside – WHO we are inside – is most accurately presented in the ways we live on the outside.

All too often, we work to cover up that which we are on the inside with clothing and makeup and surgeries of various kinds. We work to disguise who we are on the inside by shouting loudly about our superiority. We seek to deflect the light of revelation from who we are on the inside to expose the foibles of others. We erect walls of secrecy and mystery around who we are on the inside to create the illusion of wisdom and spiritual depth. We do almost anything to avoid revealing who we really are on the inside.

As much as we might begin to believe our own self-serving, self-created myths, the truth is that What We Are Inside eventually comes out for all to see. For many, What We Are Inside really deserves to be hidden and yet it continues to flow nearly unhindered creating chaos and misery and confusion and discord. For many, What We Are Inside deserves to be examined and challenged and altered and cleaned.

And yet for others, What We Are Inside casts light and love and liberty on all fortunate enough to encounter them. For others, What We Are Inside heals and gives and supports. For others, What We Are Inside makes the world a better place. For these others, What We Are Inside comes from a place of goodness. For these others, What We Are Inside is What We Are Inside – pure, plain and simple.

The world needs more of these others to inspire What WE Are Inside (that which is good and healthy and giving and loving) to be lived and expressed with abandon. Then, the world will begin to see and experience true change for the better.


Mark E. Hundley

Please feel free to visit my Amazon Author Page for more information about my books and short fiction. Thank you so much!


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