Day Fifty -Three of 365 – Be Careful What You Plant . . .

The election is over. Our country has transferred the reigns of leadership to a new administration. We continue forward as a nation working to embrace the challenges that come with democracy and freedom. In light of these things, I would like to offer some thoughts for consideration.

In these words, I do not endorse or recommend any one person, party, ideology and belief system. I am hopeful that these thoughts represent “We the People.”

To believe that any one person, group or party has all the answers to any problem or is the cause of all problems smacks of arrogance on the highest order.

We must learn to work together, creating synergy, establishing commonality, living outside the box of “always has been.”

Change may be forced upon us by life ~ adaptation to change takes time and effort. Life is not like McDonald’s drive through.

We must learn & live patience; listen more than we speak; contemplate the views of others; find solutions that create win-win outcomes.

The challenges of life are far too complex to be reduced to simplistic, formulaic platitudes that promise everything yet deliver nothing.

We absolutely must learn to work together to address complex issues; value the perspectives of others; learn from those around us.

Patience requires limits, boundaries, time frames & guidelines. It is
not a blank check to continue useless/pointless behavior.

“We harvest WHAT we plant; MORE than we plant; and LATER than we plant!” In relationships, business, our personal life, w/our children, with our government.

We have the ability to begin planting new and different seeds now – seeds that will ultimately produce a new and different harvest; however, we must consciously put aside labeling those who think, act and believe differently than we. We must demand cooperation, communication, collaboration. We spend too much time, effort, energy and money calling others names and posturing to get “our team” in power.

Plant NEW seeds! Nurture them!

Just a few thoughts . . . for what they are worth.


Mark E. Hundley


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