Day Fifty-Nine of 365 – The Nature of Courage

Every day I work, I witness people of courage moving through life with deliberate, focused intent. Whether the examples come from the student population at school where I work, clients in my private practice or various colleagues, I am reminded of the power of Courage! Never before in my lifetime has there been more need for courageous people to live according to the tenets of their nature. Never before have the stakes been so high or the demands more pressing than they are now. More than anything else, Courage must be lived out loud! In order to do so, we must better understand the Nature of Courage.

The Nature of Courage:

  • Speaks truth in the face of intimidation.
  • Gives hope when life threatens to take it away.
  • Listens completely before making a judgment.
  • Stands for those who are unable to stand for themselves.
  • Creates opportunities for growth when stagnation threatens to overwhelm.
  • Reconciles warring factions when allowing destruction would be easier.
  • Takes time to evaluate before taking action.
  • Reflects on all perspectives prior to making declarations.
  • Encourages collaboration when isolation would be easier.
  • Acknowledges the presence of fear without wilting under its pressure.
  • Honors the human spirit dedicated to personal freedom.
  • Avoids the appearance of superiority.
  • Continues forward in the face of adversity.
  • Admits mistakes when deflecting blame would be easier.
  • Accepts full responsibility for his/her actions regardless of the consequences.
  • Commits to ideas that promote life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all people.

There you have it . . . my perspective on the Nature of Courage. I am hopeful that I will be able to live according to those actions outlined above. I am also hopeful that more and more people will determine to do the same. I believe that as we do, lives will change for the better and the world will be a better place in which to live.


Mark E. Hundley


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