Day Fifty-Four of 365 – In Death I Am Born

On the surface, the title of this post appears obvious – especially to those whose Faith includes some sort of Eternal afterlife. As is often the case with me, I want to take this proverb in a slightly different direction.

I love reading wisdom words from the Hopi people. This particular Hopi proverb caused me to think about death in a slightly different way. “In Death, I am born.” How many times does death happen in our lives? Now, you might scratch your head and say to me, “Duh, Mark! Once! Geez!”

What if death actually happens many, many times in our lives? What if death occurs rather routinely? How, you ask? Good question!

Death actually can occur when dreams deflate; when relationships end; when we fail to realize an anticipated outcome; when we move away from familiar circumstances or people; when innocence dies. Get the picture? Death comes in many forms and affects multiple parts of our lives. I’ve briefly addressed the “In Death” part of the equation. Now for the second part. “I am born”.

This part of the proverb points to possibility. You see, whenever we experience any of the situations listed above, which are merely representative of what Ekizabeth Kubler Ross called “little deaths,” we have opportunities to do something different. We have chances to be born into new worlds of potential.

As difficult as it may be to face and embrace unwanted change or disappointment, the opportunity for the new is born.

What dream or opportunity or routine has recently died in your life? In what ways have you lost a part of yourself? How has your life changed as a result of one of life’s “little deaths?” Realize that in this moment, you are born. What will you do with the options before you? What will you choose?


Mark E. Hundley




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