Day Fifty-Eight of 365 – Unlearn What You Have Learned

Change is difficult. Change is inevitable. Change complicates. Change creates loss. Change is a constant. And sometimes . . . Change isn’t Change at all!

What do I mean? Change isn’t change when nothing changes. When everything remains the same as it was before we began, Change isn’t change. When we continue to repeat what we know doesn’t work, Change isn’t change!

When does Change become Change?

Change becomes Change when we finally Unlearn What We Have Learned. These are not my words. My good friend, Yoda was the first to say them. In fact, his exact words were, “You must unlearn what you have learned.”

Plain. Simple. Clear! The path to creating positive change that lasts lies in our ability to first “unlearn what we have learned.” How many times do you find yourself repeating actions that end in failure? How many times do you tell yourself that this is the time you can trust that one who continuously deceives you? How often do you walk down the same trail convincing yourself that is indeed a new one? How often?

What is the one thing that you need to begin unlearning today? What is the one thing you could unlearn that would open the door to true, lasting positive change? What is it?

Yep! That’s it! Now . . . begin the Unlearning process and get ready to experience the New!


Mark E. Hundley


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